OpenVAS7 for OpenSUSE13.1.x x86_64 via OBS

OpenVAS for openSUSE via OBS

Step 1: Configure OBS Repository
(as user root, only once, you can replace “13.1.x” with other release names)

zypper ar -f openvas

Step 2: Quick-Install OpenVAS
(as user root, only once)

zypper ref && zypper in -t pattern openvas

Step 3: Quick-Start OpenVAS
(as user root, only once, during first time you will be asked to set a password for user “admin”)


Step 4: Log into OpenVAS as “admin”

Open https://localhost:9392/.

OBS: Modificado da fonte, apenas para atualizar a release do OpenSuSE 13.1.x x86_64

